School trips
Dates for excursions (one or more days)
From Monday 21/10/24 to Friday 25/10/24
From Thursday 19/12/24 to Friday 20/12/24
From Monday 07/04/25 to Friday 11/04/25
Sports days of S1, S2 and S3 to be planned during the year
No excursions for S7 after the Autumn Holidays. No excursions for S6 after the Eastern Holidays.
Mandatory S2 school trips
This trip is scheduled for the autumn (in the week from 7 to 11 October 2024).
Some classes will go from 7 to 9 October, the other classes will go from 9 to 11 October.
Reservation is done by Manor Adventures (Chateau Broutel Picardie)
ECO/BIO trips in S5
It is up to the biology teachers to organise this trip of several days or in 2 or 3 separate days.
Mandatory S6 school trips
From 7 to 11 April 2025
It was decided not to travel by plane. This decision will be reviewed afterwards.
- The selection system is online
- A digital brochure with a few pictures of each destination and a few words of explanation (max. 1 A4 page per destination) prepared by Mrs. Christiaensen will be sent to the parents and pupils of S6.
Coordinator in charge: Ms Christiaensen (room 412)
Documents to download:
Important information: if a pupil has been excluded from a school trip by a Disciplinary Board, he/his legal representatives remain responsible for payment. If the payment has already been made, no refund will be given.