From EPC to KLM: Miguel De Volder’s Success Story

Miguel in front of his KLM Embraer!

"EuroPilot Center helped shape me into the pilot I am today, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone serious about a career in aviation."

Meet Miguel De Volder, a reflection to EuroPilot Center's commitment to shaping exceptional pilots ready to soar in the skies of the Airline Industry. In this interview, Miguel shares his journey, challenges, and the invaluable experiences gained during his Airline Career Program and how he became a pilot for KLM!

Finding the Right Fit

My journey with EPC began long before I officially started the ACP training program. I first met the founders during their early days and kept an eye on their progress through social media and other channels. Watching the school grow rapidly, the expansion of their campuses in Antwerp and California, and seeing EPC graduates quickly find employment, assured me of their outstanding training quality.

EPC stood out to me as a place where my aspirations of becoming an airline pilot could truly be realized. I saw a community that was dedicated to excellence, and it was clear that they were not just training pilots but also shaping careers.

I saw a community that was dedicated to excellence, and it was clear that they were not just training pilots but also shaping careers.

"I saw a community that was dedicated to excellence, and it was clear that they were not just training pilots but also shaping careers."

Overcoming Challenges

One of the most challenging periods of my training was during the COVID-19 pandemic. The airline industry, which had been so promising, suddenly faced immense uncertainty. Our dreams seemed to be put on hold, and the prospect of finding a job after graduation appeared bleak. However, EPC's commitment to their students never wavered.

They organized virtual classroom sessions to keep our theoretical knowledge sharp and provided opportunities to train in the simulator separately. This adaptability and support helped us remain focused and motivated, turning a challenging situation into an opportunity to strengthen our skills.

Personalized Learning Experience

What truly set EPC apart was their personalized approach to training. Unlike other programs, they offered a customized training schedule (Part-Time Airline Career Program) that allowed me to balance my part-time job as cabin crew with my studies. This flexibility was crucial for me, and the respect and adaptation to my work schedule were outstanding.

I was able to complete the training in 25 months (excluding the pandemic hiatus). This individualized attention made a significant difference in my ability to succeed.

Excellence in Training

"Today, as a pilot for KLM, I carry these high standards with me, striving to be better with each flight."

The training I received at EuroPilot Center was exceptional, particularly due to the high standards and the diversity of instructors, many of whom were experienced airline pilots. This exposure to real-world operations and scenarios was immensely beneficial. The training curriculum was extensive, and the standards set were incredibly high.

This rigorous approach ensured that we were not just trained to meet the basic requirements but were pushed to continuously improve and excel. Today, as a pilot for KLM, I carry these high standards with me, striving to be better with each flight.

Professionalism Cultivated in California

My experience at EuroPilot Center's California EASA campus (SoCal Pilot Center), was pivotal in my professional development. The training there included advanced flight scenarios and exposure to some of the busiest airspaces, such as Los Angeles (LAX). Flying into high-altitude airports like Big Bear and navigating through challenging meteorological conditions provided real-world experience that was crucial for building my skills and confidence.

This phase was not just about accumulating flight hours but about gaining meaningful experiences that prepared me for the complexities of a professional aviation career.

Miguel during his training at EPC's EASA Campus in Southern California.

Readiness for the Major Airlines

The comprehensive training at EPC, combined with the expertise of their instructors and the advanced facilities, prepared me thoroughly for a career with a major airline like KLM.

The curriculum was designed to instill discipline, safety, and procedural knowledge, which are essential for any professional aviator. The rigorous training process and the emphasis on safety protocols taught me the importance of meticulous planning and risk management, which are critical in the airline industry.

This solid foundation has been instrumental in my successful transition to a professional pilot.

Supportive Environment

One of the standout aspects of my time at EPC was the supportive and growth-oriented environment. The classes were intentionally kept relatively small to ensure high-quality training and personalized attention.

The interaction between students and instructors was tailored to individual needs, fostering a strong and unique connection. I always felt comfortable discussing any difficulties I faced, knowing that the instructors were genuinely invested in my success.

This nurturing environment was crucial in helping me navigate the challenges of the training program and grow as a pilot.

Words of Encouragement

Words of encouragement for new pilots.

My advice to aspiring pilots considering EuroPilot Center is simple: "Look for a school that prioritizes flying from day one, focuses on quality and building executive skills rather than just piloting skills."

The journey to becoming a pilot is demanding, and the right training environment can make all the difference. EPC offers a blend of quality training, modern technology, and a strong emphasis on safety. The commitment to excellence, advanced facilities, and experienced instructors will equip you with the skills and confidence needed to excel in the aviation industry. 

EuroPilot Center helped shape me into the pilot I am today, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone serious about a career in aviation.

Article by: EPC Aviation Coach


Ready for the next step?

Join us on Sunday May 19, 2024, for the EPC Ope­n House at the Antwerp Airport (sign up HERE). You will learn about our training programs providing dual certificaton. We also offe­r two additional scholarships worth 25.000 EUR each and ways to finance your Aviation Training. Our open house is a gre­at chance to find out more.