Belgian Blokart Club

The Belgian Blokart Club is a non-profit association founded by enthusiastic blokart practitioners. Every blokart pilot can join individually or as a family. The club has various objectives, including promoting this sport among youth and disabled people, organizing meetings and competitions. 

picture : Nicolas Boel - Vice President EBA, EBA rep in the IBRA 

European Blokart Association

The European Blokart Association (EBA) represents the European pilots at an international level. It acts as an advisory body for all national blokart clubs recognized by the EBA. The EBA makes sure racing happens under the one design rules set by the International Blokart Racing Association. Nicolas Boel from Belgium is Vice-President of the association.

picture : Chris Moore - president of the EBA at the BOBCO 2022

International Blokart Racing Association

The IBRA Committee’s function is to provide blokart competitors with a fair playing field around the world when racing. This is to be done via a set of rules known as the IBRA Rules which will be communicated to its associate members.

picture : Paul Becket - the GURU at the BOBCO 2023

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