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Save The Date - Microbes for a sustainable future - 14/11


A meet-up for industry, innovative start-ups and scale-ups, as well as academics on November 14, 2022.


The fast progression in microbiology and microbial biotechnology creates insights we can use to support the transition to a sustainable and bio-based society. The Science Park University of Antwerp, POM Antwerp, and the Centre of Excellence Microbial Systems Technology of the University of Antwerp will inspire by presenting top-level microbial and molecular researchin food, health, and electronics. Industry innovators will discuss the opportunities and challenges to bridge the gap between research and industry in panel sessions.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Keep me informed


Welcome - coffee and sweets


  • · Keynote speech: Pioneering in the microbiome field: lessons learned by Dr. Bruno Pot, Science Director Europe, Yakult


  • · Microbes: Food for the Future by Prof. Siegfried Vlaeminck, Department of Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp
    Panel discussion with industry food innovators


  • · The female microbiome for health and lifestyle insights by Prof. Sarah Lebeer, Department of Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp
    Panel discussion with industry health innovators


  • · Will your future smartphone work on bacteria? by Prof. Filip Meysman, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp


Networking & Reception

· Timing

November 14, 2022
14h00 – 18h00

· Venue
Isala Building
Science Park University of Antwerp
Niel, Belgium

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