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Registrations are open - 14/11


Microbes for a sustainable future - A meet-up for industry, innovative start-ups and scale-ups, as well as academics on November 14, 2022.


The Science Park University of Antwerp, POM Antwerp and the Centre of Excellence Microbial Systems Technology of the University of Antwerp invite you to discover the top-level microbial and molecular research in food, health and electronics.

Science watcher Hetty Helsmoortel dives into the matter and raises the questions we all have. She will spark the conversation between industry innovators about the opportunities and challenges to bridge the gap between research and industry in panel sessions.

Ae Jin Huys,Mokja takes you on a poetic culinary walk through the fermented Korean cuisine to digest this all. You share, discover flavors and let the moment guide you.

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  • · 13h30 Doors open - coffee and tea
  • · 14h00 Welcome by Pierre De Strycker, General Manager POM Antwerp
  • · 14h05 Keynote speech: Pioneering in the microbiome field: lessons learned and future opportunities by Dr. Bruno Pot, Science Director Europe, Yakult and Faculty of Science and Bio-engineering Sciences, VUB
  • · 14h30 Microbes: Food for the Future by Prof. Siegfried Vlaeminck, Department of Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp
  • · 14h50 Panel discussion with food innovators to discuss the opportunities and challenges of using microbes moderated by Hetty Helsmoortel

-    Siegfried Vlaeminck, University of Antwerp
-    Fabienne Verté, Puratos
-    Lore Knaepen, Flanders Food
-    Stacey Skaalure, Bolder Foods
-    Stef De Nayer, ProteInn Club 
-    Stijn Boeren, Avecom

  • · 15h40 Break
  • · 16h00 The female microbiome for health and lifestyle insights by Prof. Sarah Lebeer, Department of Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp


  • · 16h20 Panel discussion with health innovators to discuss the opportunities and challenges of using microbes moderated by Hetty Helsmoortel

-    Sarah Lebeer, University of Antwerp 
-    Dirk Charlier, BioCodex 
-    Kim Van Hoorenbeeck, University Hospital Antwerp
-    Ingmar Claes, YUN Probiotherapy
-    Kathleen D’Hondt, Economy, Science & Innovation, Flanders
-    Kris Laukens, University of Antwerp

  • · 17h10 Will your future smartphone work on bacteria? by Prof. Filip Meysman, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp
  • · 17h30 Closing speech by Jade Verrept, Cluster Manager POM Antwerp
  • · 17h35 Networking Reception


· Timing

November 14, 2022
13h30 – 19h30

· Venue
Isala Building
Science Park University of Antwerp
Galileilaan 11, 2845 Niel, Belgium

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