About Future Services Oostende

About Us
Future Services has built a strong track record as a trusted service provider specialized in Rope Access, Inspections and Coating Works, both in onshore and offshore environments.
Before the official start of the company, the founder, Jonas Selders, built up a vast amount of experience in the early days of the Belgian offshore wind industry. By combining this experience and insight in the industry with a passion for project excellence and an entrepreneurial drive, Future Services was created. Now, key members of the organisation have a valuable track record in a wide variety of roles on both client and contractor side.
We are proud of our track record and prior experience in various onshore and offshore projects, as it makes us to truly understand your needs and struggles in project management. Our mission as a company is to become the preferred partner for Rope Access, inspections, and coating works, by ensuring that your project receives a solution-oriented approach that effortlessly fits into all project parameters.
Safety and quality are part of our core values at Future Services and we are convinced that maintaining these standards in the industry is part of the reason why our partners love working with us. We continuously invest in training for our skilled workforce, a professional management structure and innovation.

We work for

Our customers

Jan De Nul Group - client of Future Services Oostende
Parkwind - client of Future Services Oostende
Global Wind Service - client of Future Services Oostende
Otary - client of Future Services Oostende

How do we make the difference?

Focus on safety
Safety is our number one priority. Always.
Expertise and insights
We aim to leverage our industry expertise to provide valuable insights to our customers.
Our professional approach with regards to communication, documentation and management of operations will allow you to focus on your core business.
Tailor-made collaboration
We understand that you, our client, have specific project needs. With our solution oriented approach, we will match our approach to your wishes.

Please download our brochure, if you would like to know more about our services, our differentiators and the company. The download is non-committal and doesn't imply that we will send you additionals mails and / or phone calls. We want to monitor who downloads extra information concerning Future Services and use this data to improve our services and communication. Enjoy reading our brochure.

Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any additional questions!

Partner in offshore rope access, inspections and coating - Future Services Oostende
Corneel Heymansstraat 5
8400 Ostend, Belgium
Skyline with buildings and windmills representing the service areas of Future Services Oostende


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