A big step forward for DenK iP

After 14 years of having our main focus on patent protection, at DenK iP we are ready for a significant next step: as of May 12, 2023 we provide you, in-house, with a full solution for protecting the intellectual property of your project. We are delighted to inform you that from today onwards we are Winger!

Two dedicated teams with years of experience in the sector are joining forces. As a result, Winger is ready to take flight as a full-service intellectual property firm, specialized in patents, trademarks, designs, copyright and more.

On one side, the team headed by Christoph Bourgeois and Rogier Goos will form the trademarks and designs department.

On the other side, our experienced team of patent attorneys and supporting staff – formerly known as DenK IP – will passionately further follow up your existing and new patent-related projects as the Winger Patents department.

This collaboration means that Winger is an integrated and multidisciplinary team of more than 15 attorneys, supported by the most energized back-office of the Benelux.

The team strongly matches on core values : we are focused on your future and provide immediately workable and tailored advice that helps the long term development of your project. This resulted in the choice of name and logo. Please visit Winger's new website and find out!

IN THE NEWS: The long-awaited arrival of the Unified Patent Court (UPC)

A new step towards unitary patent and the unitary patent court has been taken :
Austria closes the loop – the Protocol on Provisional Application of the UPC Agreement has entered into force.


We will keep you informed about this topic and the impact on your IP portfolio. Please keep an eye on our communication!

DenK iP bv
VAT BE 0809.963.559
RPR Ghent

Ghent Office

Hundelgemsesteenweg 1116
B-9820 Merelbeke, Belgium

F. +32 9 362 16 82

Mechelen Office

Mouterij 16 bus 101
B-3190 Boortmeerbeek, Belgium

F. +32 9 362 16 82