

Who are we?

We advise life insurance companies and we build a software platform to manage life insurance policies, from quote to disbursement. By our in-depth specialization we can stay ahead together.

Our team of experience actuaries, lawyers, economists, engineers and software developers strive for the highest quality norms. We are always talking life insurances. We love to do it, for over 30 years already. We like to work close together with our customers and we focus on long term partnerships. We do realize tangible progress: always better, always further, always ahead.
With the UL3-software, life insurance companies achieve the highest level of operational efficiency and commercial persuasiveness. The creative interaction between well designed software and progressive life insurance techniques is the key to success for Vereycken & Vereycken for over 30 years. We strive to minimize the administrative costs of the life insurer along with boosting the quality of their service offered. In short, Vereycken & Vereycken is Your Partner for Life.

Our Management

Luc Vereycken

Luc Vereycken started his career in 1985 at Arthur Andersen (now Deloitte), where he worked in the tax advisory department. Together with his brother Carl, he founded Vereycken & Vereycken in 1988. He coordinates the various knowledge disciplines within the firm and is operationally mainly active as an advice provider. He also contributes to the development of the functional concepts of the UL3-software.

Luc Vereycken is a regular author of publications and speaker at seminars. He is a member of the editorial committee of the newsletter Life & Benefits (Wolters Kluwer). He is also an editorial member of the tax newsletter Fiscoloog (Roularta). Luc Vereycken is a lecturer in pension law at KULeuven. For 15 years (2003-2018) he was chairman of the Committee for Supplementary Pensions for the Self-employed.

Carl Vereycken

Carl Vereycken is responsible for the software architecture in Vereycken & Vereycken's IT department, and is currently in charge of the R&D for the UL3-software.

Carl Vereycken is co-founder of the firm Vereycken & Vereycken, and he is a software developer. Thanks to many years of software experience regarding numerous insurance products, he realises more than anyone else the importance of high-quality design, how complex reality can be modelled using high-performance software solutions and what the keys are to keeping software systems maintainable. Inspired by the philosophy that algorithms should not only be demonstrably correct, but also beautiful (in the aesthetic sense of the word), he is the driving force behind the software technologies that form the basis of the UL3-software.

Paul Van Eesbeeck

Paul Van Eesbeeck started his professional career in 1988 with insurance company De Vaderlandsche (now called Vivium) as management attache in the function of Tax and Legal Advisor for Life Insurances. In 1998 he joined Vereycken & Vereycken as legal advisor and partner at Vereycken & Vereycken Legal.

Paul Van Eesbeeck is frequently invited for publications and as a speaker at seminars. He is chief editor for the newsletter Life & Benefits (Wolters Kluwer) and is an editor for the fiscal newsletter ‘Fiscoloog’ (Roularta). Besides this, Paul Van Eesbeeck is vice-chairman in the Commission of Supplementary Pensions for Employees and professor Pension Law at KU Leuven.

Frank Aerts

Frank Aerts started his professional career as a software engineer for quotation software for multiple types of life insurances. He is one of the pioneers of the development of the UL3 software. Together with Carl and Luc Vereycken, he was involved with the architecture, concept development and continuous improvements of UL3

Today, Frank Aerts is director at Vereycken & Vereycken and is responsible for the Development Department. With his perseverance and conceptual thought leadership, he ensures high quality software and he accomplishes to make UL3 a generic standard software. Frank is also the founder of the famous Workflow Concept in UL3, thanks to which administrative processes at a life insurance company can be managed swiftly.

In short, it is Frank’s calling to, together with his team, convert his profound knowledge of the life insurance industry into maintainable high-quality software for the long-term, with the agility of implementing new features rapidly and correctly.

Ilse Verstrepen

Ilse Verstrepen started her professional career in 1993 at the office of actuaries Conac as a consultant specialized in insurances. She is working at Vereycken & Vereycken since 1999.

As a director at Vereycken & Vereycken, Ilse is responsible for all services to the life insurance companies. The Service Department includes all consultants who can be involved in integration services or in supporting life insurance companies with the UL3 software.

Ilse is actively involved with the development of products and tariffs, reporting and software analysis, so that new features can be implemented in the software. Afterwards, she ensures that these features will be deployed smoothly at the insurance companies that are using UL3.

Luc Kesters

Luc Kesters started his professional career in 1993 at Coopers & Lybrand (now PriceWaterhouseCoopers) as an insurance consultant. He was employed there from 1993-1997 and from 1999-2003. In between, he worked for a company of ING Group in Belgium. He started at Vereycken & Vereycken in 2003.

At Vereycken & Vereycken, Luc Kesters is responsible for the functional support of the UL3 software and for the deployment at customers. He was also outsourced several times as interim-manager at Belgian Life Insurance companies.

Since a few years, Luc Kesters focused more on the management and the support of migration exercises. He accomplished successfully a lot of major migrations from other software platforms towards UL3. Doing so, he developed a lot of tools and gained a lot of experience in this field to facilitate even more migrations successfully.

Luc Kesters was in the past assigned actuary for several life insurance companies and supports further the actuarial function when the new Solvency II regime came in to force. In addition to that he also provides actuarial-technical support to several other functions (actuarial department, accounting, risk, auditors,…- 

Furthermore, he hosts seminars on the synergy between actuarial sciences and data science where he teaches actuaries new technologies like in R & Python. He combines insights from both worlds to gain a profound insight in the most complex problems.

Frank Swinnen

Frank Swinnen started his career in the life insurance industry in 1992 with Belstar. At first, he was involved in sales and later he became responsible for the technical-commercial development of second pillar group arrangements. He was one of the first in Belgium to deploy the UL3 software at a Belgian life insurance company. Afterwards, he became CFO and member of the executive committee. After the merge of Belstar and Nateus in 2007, Frank became Director of Finance and Accounting until September 2011. Frank was highly involved with reporting, IFRS, Solvency II and risk management. In November 2011 he started a new position at Vereycken & Vereycken.

As a previous customer and user of the UL3 software facilitated his start at Vereycken & Vereycken. Frank decided to switch jobs because his belief of the quality, solidity and reliability of the holistic approach at Vereycken & Vereycken.

Frank can be characterized by his strive for quality and perfectionism, together with his purposefulness and pragmatism. At Vereycken & Vereycken, he is responsible for issue-handling, testing and release communication. As a director, he ensures an efficient working organization and high-quality software release management.

Are you interested in our services?

Of course, we cannot not tell everything on our website. If you are interested to collaborate, or if you are just curious, contact us! Together, we can quickly assess how we can help you the best.