Your true colours shining trough
Imagine ...
You work in an organization with:
A mission
You have a ‘higher
goal’ as a connecting factor, as a common thread that always directs your
course. Also when making new choices.
You work with an
alert energy that keeps everyone focused on the goal and on each other. Even
when the issues of the day threaten to distract.
Freedom of choice is your DNA (Daily Natural Attitude): all employees are
responsible for their choices and results, individually as well as in team.
You do not only plan, but continue to innovate and make adjustments,
learning from mistakes and successes, and thus moving forward.
Do you find this appealing?
We do too. We’d like to be your partner in crime because we believe that:
- There is an inner Guerilla in everyone who can propel his or her organization forward.
- Your true colours – both the beautiful and the ugly ones – really make a difference.
The key? Hit and trust to change your world.
Believe that you can change your reality. Give yourself the mandate to
take small, pattern-breaking actions that bring the system out of balance for a
moment to evolve into a new balance with more enthusiasm and energy.
Bet it will be contagious amongst your colleagues?