Damen Shiprepair

    Damen Shiprepair and Conversion offers a full range of services in maintenance, repair, conversion, and refit of vessels and offshore constructions of all sizes.

    “How building, learning and adjusting leads to profitability, effectiveness and satisfaction.”

    Han Coenraad, IT project manager bij Damen Shipyard Group

    "Finding a gap in Han Coenraads schedule is as difficult as finding a hole in a ship that was just repaired at Damen Shiprepair & Conversion."

    Damen Shiprepair

    Damen Shiprepair and Conversion offers a full range of services in maintenance, repair, conversion, and refit of vessels and offshore constructions of all sizes.




    That’s not difficult if you’re an IT Manager who oversees an organization of 38 shipyards spread over the world. “For the people who help us win some time, I like to free some time up for,” he said from behind his desk in Rotterdam.

    Together with Bizcon, we designed and managed the roll-out of IFS software: its configuration and implementation. Koen Gielen worked for IFS before venturing out on his own and founding Bizcon. This know-how combined with the experiences gained from all previous projects makes Bizcon the perfect partner for the project. We’re a match like a ship is for the sea. Damen is a very large, complex organisation and we were both enthusiastic about the undertaking.

    To get the most out of this roll-out we chose to do it in phases: build, learn, adjust. After each implementation phase, we analysed and made adjustments. It’s pleasant to see the continual improvements through prototyping, we are continually becoming more efficient and effective.

    From our requirement study, workshops were organized in which we involved our cluster key users. It is important to involve your people from the beginning, so they too feel responsible for the solution. After all, we share Bizcon's vision that optimizing business processes also means higher job satisfaction.

    Every change requires an adjustment. But once people experience the benefits in practice, I hear positive remarks from the top of ship's crane to the bottom of the engine room: we cut out useless re-typing work, the yards all now have direct communication with each other, everyone can access the same realtime information, responsibilities are focused... and so on. I could continue for a while,” Han concludes with a smile, “but my agenda will not allow it.“

    Curious about what we could do to optimize your company?


    Partner of IFS and Novacura

    Member of BEMAS and VOKA