Legal Direct

Privacy policy

This Privacy Statement regulates the processing of personal data by LegalDirect 2.0 BV (hereinafter referred to as “LegalDirect”), with its registered office at 3010 Leuven, Martelarenlaan 32, registered in the CBE and VAT under number BE1004.997.501, whose lawyers are registered with the Bar of Leuven or Brussels, e-mail, URL

Unless stated otherwise, LegalDirect is the data controller for the personal data we collect and to which this Privacy Statement applies.

This Privacy Statement is in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of 24 May 2016 on the protection of privacy in the processing of personal data (GDPR), and the Law of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. It explains which personal data we collect and how we use it. We do this as safely, correctly and as reasonably possible and in strict accordance with the provisions of the GDPR. Therefore, please read this Privacy Statement carefully, as it contains essential information on how your personal data is being processed.

In doing so, we respect your privacy and your rights to control your personal data.



As the data controller, we process data you voluntarily provide to us when making an appointment, when asking for information, when browsing the website, when submitting a request via the website or during a networking event, within the context of a collaboration we engage in, or data necessary for the execution of the assignment you have entrusted us. This Privacy Statement thus applies to visitors of our website, clients, suppliers, and other contact persons (network). It does not apply to the processing of personal data that must remain strictly confidential under the professional secrecy of lawyers (see below).

More specifically, we may process, among other things, the following personal data: name, e-mail address, national identification number, date of birth, address, telephone number, company data, billing information, and case-related information.

Additionally, we also automatically collect data on the use, access, or interaction with our website through cookies (Google Analytics) and similar technologies, inter alia, to monitor the functioning of the website, or for the purpose of detecting fraud and/or security breaches, using IP addresses and browser data.

Finally, we may receive information about you from other sources, including third parties, such as partners with whom we offer joint services or conduct marketing activities. We may also receive information about you from social media platforms (Facebook or LinkedIn), for instance, when you interact with us on these platforms. We protect data we receive from third parties in the same way as described in this Privacy Statement.



We take the processing of your personal data very seriously and strive to implement the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data and help prevent theft, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction of your information.

We implement, among others, the following measures:

  • Employee training;
  • Administrative and technical checks to limit access to personal data to what is necessary (passwords, digital certificates);
  • Technical security measures, including firewalls, encryption, and antivirus software;
  • Login access blocking in case of loss or theft of devices;
  • E-monitoring;
  • Physical security measures, such as alarm systems, locked file cabinets, and a clean-desk policy, to protect the security of our premises to the best of our ability.

We thus regularly check our systems for potential security risks and attacks. However, we cannot guarantee the security of data sent by you. Should there be a breach, this will be responded to quickly and  the parties concerned will be informed. However, LegalDirect cannot be held liable for direct, indirect, or consequential damages caused by incorrect or unlawful use of personal data by a third party.

The collected personal data is stored and processed in Belgium, at our registered office or an ancillary office, on an external server at our registered office or with external service providers, also located in Belgium or Europe. Some collected personal data is stored and processed by tools with servers outside the European Economic Area. If the data is held by external service providers with servers outside the European Economic Area, LegalDirect assumes that an equivalent level of protection to that in the European Union is applied for processing these data. To this end, appropriate safeguards such as standard contractual clauses with additional safeguards and adequacy decisions may be used when transferring your personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area.

The collected data is only transferred over a secure connection from the website to the server.



In order to process your personal data, we grant access to our employees and agents, whether they are self-employed or not. However, we guarantee a similar level of protection by making contractual obligations enforceable against these employees and agents, similar to this Privacy Statement.

The personal data you provide will not be sold to, nor shared with, third parties, except in the context of the execution of the agreement and the assignment entrusted to us, and in the context of our cooperation with external suppliers (including practical tools) who perform services for us such as the processing of billing and payment data, bailiffs and notaries, e-mail communication, time tracking and administration, accounting, system management, IT companies, and communication agencies.

However, we share your personal data only when necessary, such as to provide the services you have authorized or that fall under our assignment, and only with partners working our behalf for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement. In that case, your personal data will be shared with these partners, but solely for the purpose of performing services on behalf of and under the instructions of LegalDirect.

In addition, and only to the extend required by law or strictly necessary for the performance of the services or to protect our rights, or the rights of affiliated third parties or our clients, we will disclose your personal data to law enforcement agencies, investigative organizations, affiliated companies, or in legal proceedings, including (judicial) reorganizations, bankruptcy, or transfer. If necessary, we will always try, to the extent possible, to inform you in advance of any potential transfer.  

Finally, LegalDirect uses marketing or advertising plugins such as Meta (Facebook), Microsoft (LinkedIn), and Google Analytics. By placing these plugins, your personal data may be collected and transferred to these third parties. In accordance with Article 26 of the General Data Protection Regulation of 24 May 2016 on the protection of privacy in the processing of personal data, LegalDirect is a joint data controller with these third parties. For the rights and obligations of each data controller, please refer to the respective privacy statements of Meta, Microsoft, and Google:



By using the LegalDirect website, cookies may be placed on the hard drive of your device. For more information on the cookies used, we refer you to our Cookie Policy.

As a user of the website, you will be asked to give your consent to the loading of certain cookies – this may happen via a bar at the bottom or top of the website, with reference to our Cookie Policy for more information. However, further browsing of the website will not be prevented.



a. Management of data of clients, partners, and counter-parties

The personal data collected in our capacity as data controller are used for our services, the management, execution, and handling of your request or inquiry for information, or in the context of a collaboration (execution, invoicing, payment, etc.). Other personal data are processed for the management of our clients and partners. Finally, we also process data of counter-parties in the context of performing our tasks (communication in files, legal proceedings, etc.).

b. Direct marketing

LegalDirect may also use your data to send you information and offers and to provide you with information about events, information sessions, and services we offer. Depending on the type of communication, we may contact you via e-mail, phone, letter, and/or our social media channels.

c. Website and cookies

In addition, they are also used to ensure your access to the website and to guarantee the correct functionality of the website by informing you about updates, new functionalities etc.

d. security, settlement of disputes and compliance with legislation

Finally, we aim to provide the necessary security and safety and the data may be also used in the context of settling disputes and to comply with legislation such as the Act of 18 September 2017 on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism and the restriction of the use of cash (the Money Laundering Prevention Act). In the context of the Money Laundering Prevention Act, a number of obligations are imposed on LegalDirect, including the identification of its clients and the ultimate beneficiaries of clients. LegalDirect is thus required to verify the identity of its clients using one or more proof documents or reliable and independent sources of information capable of confirming these data, of which a copy shall be made on paper or on an electronic information carrier. If you are politically exposed person within the meaning of applicable law or an immediate family member or business partner of such a politically exposed person, you must also inform LegalDirect accordingly. LegalDirect may consequently use the data you provide to comply with its legal obligations under the Money Laundering Prevention Act.



The personal data collected are processed in our capacity as a processor or on the basis of Article 6.1.a (consent), Article 6.1.b (necessary for the performance of a contract) and article 6.1.f (legitimate interests) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), for example, to schedule an appointment, to perform our assignment, to invite you to our information sessions and events, or for administrative, fraud detection or legal purposes.

Taking into account the processing purposes described above, the processing of personal data for:

  1. The management of data of clients, partners, and counter-parties is carried out based on Article 6.1.b GDPR (necessary for the performance of a contract). Certain personal data will be received directly from the client/partner/counter-party, others will be obtained using the tools made available to us (national register, land registry, UBO, official gazette, Graydon, etc.).
  2. Direct marketing is carried out based on Article 6.1.a (consent) and Article 6.1.f (legitimate interests).
  3. Website and cookies are carried out based on Article 6.1.a (consent) and Article 6.1.f (legitimate interests). Insofar as this processing is based on consent, you can give this consent by ticking the checkbox in a bar at the bottom of the website.
  4. Security, settlement of disputes and  compliance with legislation are carried out based on Article 6.1.c (necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject) and Article 6.1.f (legitimate interests) to exercise our of defense.

If your data is processed based on consent, this Privacy Statement and the opt-in system used ensure that you can give your consent freely, explicitly, unambiguously, actively, and in an informed manner.

If you provide us with personal data of third parties (directly or indirectly), for example, through the LegalDirect website, you are responsible for ensuring that you already have a legal basis for processing these personal data of the third party. This could be the case, for example, if you have an agreement with that third party and the data processing is necessary for the performance of that agreement (Article 6.1.b GDPR).

The foregoing also implies that you act as the data controller of such third-party personal data and accept the corresponding obligations and liability. Consequently, you will fully indemnify LegalDirect in the event of a dispute, claim or request for compensation from/by the third party whose personal data were processed. This concerns the processing of third-party personal data provided by you to LegalDirect in violation of the General Data Protection Regulation of 24 May 2016 on the protection of privacy in the processing of personal data and the Law of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.



LegalDirect is, in principle, required to inform each data subject of the existence of the processing of personal data. However, there are exceptions to this principle. There is no obligation to inform when the personal data must remain confidential due to professional secrecy.



We aim to retain the personal data entrusted to us no longer than necessary for the purposes described above.

Depending on the purpose of the processing, the personal data processed in our capacity as data controller will be retained for 1 to 10 years after the completion of an assignment. Certain data will, however, be kept longer to comply with legal and accounting requirements (including in the context of our legal obligation under anti-money laundering legislation). After this period, we will irrevocably delete the data.



As a data subject, you have the right at any time to access the personal data we process as a data controller and to have them corrected if they are incorrect of incomplete, to have the data transferred, to have their processing restricted, or to have them deleted (under certain circumstances).

We do not use data that was processed exclusively by automated means (such as profiling).

Since the processing of personal data is partly based on Article 6.1.a (consent), you always have the right to withdraw the given consent. However, bear in mind, that in certain cases, you will no longer receive relevant information if you do not consent to the processing of certain personal data.

You can exercise the aforementioned rights by informing us via e-mail at At this address, you can also reach us if you have any further questions or complaints.

An official complaint can be submitted to the Data Protection Authority: Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel, Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35, e-mail:



If necessary, we may amend or update this Privacy Statement to reflect changes on the website or in our practices. If there are significant changes in the way we use or process your personal data, we will notify you by posting a notice of the changes before they take effect or by directly sending you a notice. We encourage you to reread this statement regularly for more information on how we use and protect your information.


For further information, questions or comments regarding our Privacy Statement or Privacy Policy, please contact us at and visit

Latest update: July 2024


Martelarenlaan 32
3010 Leuven

Werkhuizenstraat 19
1080 Brussel

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