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GDPR compliance... At the very bottom of your to-do list?

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Does your company's GDPR compliance keep you up at night? Or is it languishing at the bottom of your to-do list?

If so, our GDPR package might be the solution you need. How do we get started?

The General Data Protection Regulation, better known as GDPR, has been in existence for three years now. When we talk about it with our clients or contacts, we often get to hear "But hasn't everyone already got that in place?", followed by a hesitant, "All right, maybe not everyone - like me - but it's been busy and is it really necessary?".

It certainly is necessary, and most business owners know this, though they often think, 'But it won’t really matter because they won’t come to check on me.' And that is probably true: the chance that you as an SME will be proactively checked is, now, and given the resources available to the Data Protection Authority, rather small. What we do see more and more is that customers or accountants or marketers or ... are going to ask you how you ensure that the personal data are protected, and then you'd rather not be at a loss for words.

Perhaps you have had GDPR compliancy on your to-do list for quite some time, but it keeps getting pushed to the bottom "because there are more important things to do".

Thus, we sought a hands-on approach, aiming to take as much off your plate as possible, allowing you to truly focus on your core business:" In an (online) meeting, we complete a processing register together (your 'data audit'), giving you an immediate overview of what data you collect and where, and whether this complies with GDPR regulations. This register also provides a clear overview, after which the legal documents (privacy statement, cookie policy, disclaimer for the website) can be drawn up and your contracts (cooperation agreement, employment contract, general terms, and conditions, etc.) can be adapted. If necessary, other additional documents can be drawn up afterwards, such as a processing agreement or adjustment of the labor regulations. This allows you to immediately apply these documents and changes, both legally and technically.

So, with a time investment of about 3 hours for the data audit, a consultation on the legal documents and where necessary some research on your part (which systems/organizations do you work with and how do they handle personal data), you can finally cross GDPR off your to-do list!

Once this is done, the key is to stay current by regularly reviewing if new processes have been introduced and if further actions are required. We will provide you with a clear roadmap in which you can review everything at your own pace.

If you’re thinking, 'Yes! I really want to tackle this year!', then give us a call, and we’d be delighted to collaborate with you.

Leïla Drake

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