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Aan de slag met gdpr? Lees hier meer over ons hands-on pakket!

Deel deze blog:

It was an honor to join Isabelle Francois, Managing Director of Health House vzw; Emeritus Prof. Dr. Frank Rademakers, Chief Medical Technology Officer at UZ Leuven; Thomas Van Oppens of Stad Leuven; and Wouter Van den Bosch, Program Manager & Cluster Lead Public Health at imec, as a panelist at the 'Health and Privacy' event organized by Leuven MindGate and Leuven Value Network on March 24, 2022!

We discussed privacy issues related to technological innovations in health.

Additionally, 20 companies presented their latest 'Smart Health Tech' innovations, so be sure to check it out.

More information and tickets at

#privacy #technology #health #tech #LegalDirect #LeuvenMindgate #lvn



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