Legal Direct

Construction and contracting law

A legal sparring partner for construction professionals


Construction and contracting law, covering building, rebuilding, or renovating, is a wide-ranging field often subject to discussion. LegalDirect has the expertise and experience to guide construction professionals through this complex matter. 

From contractor to architect: construction law in the broad sense

Whatever role you play in a construction process, chances are you will at some point become embroiled in a construction dispute. That is where LegalDirect is happy to assist you. Whether you are a contractor, architect, builder, or promoter: our lawyers listen carefully and analyze your case to the bone. Always with a client-oriented and well-considered approach. 


Legal advice from a construction lawyer

Issues such as home stability, disputes between contractors and subcontractors, inquiries about public tenders, the architect's professional liability, shared walls, or disputes with neighbors... Building or remodeling often involves conflicts. Our lawyers in construction law and real estate law bring specialized expertise to each construction case they handle. From providing clear advice to drafting lease, construction, or architectural agreements.


Assistance with construction disputes and technical expertise

During or after works, disputes may arise among the various participants in the construction process. Examples include disagreements about construction project deliveries, debates over purchases on plan (Breyne Law), or issues related to ten-year liability and insurance... Our lawyers assist you at every step of an amicable or judicial expertise, procedure, or other type of conflict. This is how we steer your construction file in the right direction. 

Law. To the point.


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Martelarenlaan 32
3010 Leuven

Werkhuizenstraat 19
1080 Brussel

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