Legal Direct


The website is owned by LegalDirect 2.0 BV (hereinafter referred to as: “LegalDirect”), with its registered office at 3010 Leuven, Martelarenlaan 32, registered in the CBE and VAT under number BE1004.997.501, and whose lawyers are registered with the Bar of Leuven or Brussels, e-mail, URL

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Limitation of liability

The information on the website is of a general nature. The information is not tailored to personal or specific circumstances and therefore cannot be considered as personal, professional, legal, or other advice to the user.

LegalDirect makes great efforts to ensure that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate, and up-to-date. Despite these efforts, inaccuracies may occur in the information made available. If the information provided contains inaccuracies or if certain information on or via the site is unavailable, LegalDirect will make the greatest possible effort to rectify this as quickly as possible.

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Privacy policy

LegalDirect values the privacy of the users of its site and, as a data controller, respects the General Data Protection Regulation of 24 May 2016  on the protection of privacy in the processing of personal data and the Law of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

LegalDirect may collect anonymous or aggregated data of a non-personal nature, such as browser type or IP address, the operating system u use, or the domain name of the website through which you came at, or through which you leave it. This allows LegalDirect to continuously optimize the website for its users.

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Applicable law and competent courts

Belgian law applies to this site. In the event of a dispute, solely the courts of Leuven are competent.

Do you have any questions or comments? You can always contact us by e-mail at or via the website


Martelarenlaan 32
3010 Leuven

Werkhuizenstraat 19
1080 Brussel

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