056 60 73 40
Albert Servaeslaan Waregem - Open from Monday to Friday from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM

Every child is unique, and that is what makes it so beautiful to work with children every day.

We are childminders Ellen & Elien.

The uniqueness of each child makes our work refreshing and challenging every day. We find it fascinating to observe children's development and stimulate each child at their own level and pace. We do this by adjusting activities to meet the needs and interests of the children and by encouraging them to do and explore as much as possible. We provide personal attention to the children in a safe and stimulating environment.

Every child is unique, and that's what makes it so wonderful to work with children every day. Our motto is: make it possible for a child to be a child!

By joining forces in one location, our "kabouterhuisje" has 2x8 (16) places available.

Koning Albertstraat 43
8791 Waregem
Tel.: 056 60 73 40
BE 0408.226.775