- Partner
* SC Janson Baugniet CV
Johan Kerremans joined Janson as a partner in 2013.
He graduated in law in 1995 (V.U.B.) and holds a special degree in Social Law (VUB 2000) and a Master's degree in Criminology (VUB 1988).
He advises foreign and Belgian companies on different aspects of individual employment law (such as recruitment, dismissals, employee benefits, health and safety issues and privacy) and labour law (transfer of undertaking, outsourcing, collective dismissals, etc) and represents them in court.Johan Kerremans specialises in international employment matters, including immigration aspects, posting of employees and subcontracting. Furthermore he also concentrates on specific types of employment (sportspeople, medical practitioners, protected employees).
Since 2010 Johan Kerremans has been a teaching assistant in employment law at the University of Antwerp.In addition Johan Kerremans publishes regularly in the area of employment law and frequently appears as a speaker at seminars on these subjects.Languages: Dutch, French, English. He also has a basic knowledge of German.
Johan Kerremans joined Janson as a partner in 2013.
He graduated in law in 1995 (V.U.B.) and holds a special degree in Social Law (VUB 2000) and a Master's degree in Criminology (VUB 1988).
He advises foreign and Belgian companies on different aspects of individual employment law (such as recruitment, dismissals, employee benefits, health and safety issues and privacy) and labour law (transfer of undertaking, outsourcing, collective dismissals, etc) and represents them in court.Johan Kerremans specialises in international employment matters, including immigration aspects, posting of employees and subcontracting. Furthermore he also concentrates on specific types of employment (sportspeople, medical practitioners, protected employees).
Since 2010 Johan Kerremans has been a teaching assistant in employment law at the University of Antwerp.In addition Johan Kerremans publishes regularly in the area of employment law and frequently appears as a speaker at seminars on these subjects.Languages: Dutch, French, English. He also has a basic knowledge of German.
Employment law - Labour Law - Social Security
Born in 1965
Professional activities
Teaching activities
Employment law - Labour Law - Social Security
Born in 1965
- Master of laws. - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (1995);
- LLM Social Law - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2000);
- Master in Criminological Sciences - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (1988).
- Dutch
- French
- English
- Basic knowledge of German
Professional activities
- Partner, Janson, Brussels (as from 2013)
- Partner, Ambos NBGO, Antwerp (2010-2013)
- Counsel, Loyens & Loeff Advocaten, Brussels (2003-2010).
- Associate, Van Olmen & Wynant (2001 - 2002);
- Associate, Loyens & Volkmaars Advocaten (1999 - 2001);
- Associate, Mahillon & Janssen (1995 -1999);
- Admitted to the Dutch speaking Bar of Brussels in 1986
- Assubel payroll agency (currently Partena) (1990-1993).
Teaching activities
- wetenschappelijk medewerker praktijkgroep sociale concurrentie en recht at Universiteit Antwerpen (sinds 2015)
- Teaching assistant employment law at Universiteit Antwerpen (van 2010 tot 2014);
- Lector employment law Brussels Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies (VUB - BICSS) (2007-2010);
- Deputy member of Alumni Sociaal Recht-VUB (ASR-VUB);
- Deputy member of Vereniging voor Sociaal Recht VZW;
- European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA);
- Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA);
Recent publications
Recent seminars
- J. KERREMANS, "Sociaal statuut van de sportbeoefenaar" in B. AMEYE en J. KERREMANS, "Sport en fiscus", Kluwer, 2016.
- J. KERREMANS, "Inzake antikoppelbaasreglementering " in I. ARTESCHENE and N. PORTUGAELS (ed.) Wet en Duiding: bouwrecht, Gent, Larcier, 2015
- J. KERREMANS, "Zorginstellingen en arbeidsrecht" in D. FORNACIARI, T. GOFFIN en S. TACK (ed.) Wet en Duiding: zorginstellingen in diverse taken van het recht, Gent, Larcier, 2013.
- J. D'HERDT en J. KERREMANS (ed.) Wet en Duiding: sportrecht, Gent, Larcier, 2013.
- J. KERREMANS, "Afwijkende opzeggingstermijnen voor arbeiders" in C. BAYART en D. CUYPERS (ed), De IPA-wet en het Belgisch ontslagrecht, Brugge, die Keure, 2012.
- J. KERREMANS, "Invalidity benefits within the scope of European Regultion No 883/2004", Expat News 2010, No 1
- J. KERREMANS, "Belgium", in C. MESQUITA BARROS, Global Mobility Handbook 2010, Editora Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010.
- J. KERREMANS, "Family benefits within the framework of European Regulations Nos. 883/2004 and 988/2009, Expat News, Kluwer 2009;
- J. KERREMANS, "Limosa in strijd met het vrij verrichten van diensten ?", Expat News, Kluwer, 2009, n° 9;
- J. KERREMANS en B. AMEYE, Sociaal en fiscaal statuut van de sportbeoefenaar, Sociale praktijkstudies, Mechelen, Kluwer, 2009;
- J. KERREMANS, "Sociaal statuut van de sportbeoefenaar" in B. AMEYE, S. CLOCHERET en J. KERREMANS, "Sport en fiscus", Mechelen, Kluwer, 2008;
- J. KERREMANS, "De wet betreffende de aard van de arbeidsrelaties: kroniek van een aangekondigde dood ?", JTT 2007, 10;
Recent seminars
- "Expats in Belgium" - Antwerp Summer University, 'Companies crossing borders' (24 augustus 2017 en 23 augustus 2018);
- "Challenges for labour law when services are provided via a digital platform" in 'The Uberisation of society its economic and legal issues' [Janson Baugniet & De Berti Jacchia, Brussel, 30 mei 2017];
- "Beschermende werknemers" [UA 2013-2017];
- "The end of blue-collar/white-collar discrimination" [information Club Spring Meeting; Brussel, 19 juni 2015];
- International assignments: regulatory aspects (Antwerp 2013);
- (Top) Coaches: Social security and tax status (Antwerp 2012);
- The IPA-Act and Belgian dismissal regulations (Antwerp - 2011);
- Restructurations en Belgique (Brussels 2011);