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Othilly DE WILDE Othilly DE WILDE
Othilly DE WILDE

  • Associate



Othilly De Wilde (°1991) graduated with magna cum laude in 2014 from the University Ghent as Master in Law. During her master studies at the University Ghent, Othilly studied for six months in Paris at the ‘Université Paris I – La Sorbonne’.          

In 2015, Othilly completed the ‘Master Complémentaire en Droit Economique’ at the ‘Université Libre de Bruxelles’.

Othilly is an attorney registered with the Brussels Bar since 2015 and joined Janson in September 2019. She mainly focuses on corporate and commercial litigation and insolvency law.

Othilly is also a teaching assistant with the Institute of Judicial Law at the KU Leuven.


Education & qualifications

  • 2009-2014: Master degree magna cum laude
  • September 2013 – January 2014: Erasmus exchange: Université de Paris 1 – La Sorbonne
  • 2014-2015 : Complementary Master in Economic Law cum laude – Université Libre de Bruxelles


  • 1 January 2015 – August 2019: Associate at Stibbe Law firm in the department ‘Litigation & Arbitration, General Commercial’
  • 1 September 2019 – Present: Associate at Janson Law Firm
  • 1 September 2019 – Present: Teaching assistant at the Institute of Judicial Law at the KULeuven.


  • Dutch: mother tongue
  • French: good writing and speaking skills
  • English: good writing and speaking skills (level 4C1)



Brussels: + 32 2 675 30 30
Nivelles +32 67 21 79 95
Ghent: +32 9 240 77 20
Mons: +32 65 22 10 00
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