- Partner
Martine Berwette primarily operates in the field of commercial law and contracts.
She also specialises in trademark law, copyright and trade secrets and was an alternate member of the Board for Intellectual Property (Copyright section) from December 2009 to 2014. She has been mentioned in the "Legal 500 ranking" for intellectual property.
For several years, Martine Berwette has been assisting companies in all matters relating to privacy and the protection of the personnal data of their customers, prospects and employee ( video surveillance cameras, cookies policies, privacy policy, ...). She has assisted many companies in complying with the General Data Protection Regulations.
Martine Berwette has a further specialisation in all aspects of judicial law of these fields, including enforcement measures (seizures) and exequatur. She has been teaching private judicial law for several years at the Brussels Bar, and is an assistant in charge of exercises in private judicial law at the University of Mons since 2011.
She also has long experience of Congolese law (DRC), particularly in contract law and social law (especially for expatriate contracts).
Martine Berwette has a Law degree from the Free University of Brussels (1991). Admitted to the Brussels Bar in 1991, she practised at a large law firm in Brussels for over twenty years before joining Janson as a partner.
She also specialises in trademark law, copyright and trade secrets and was an alternate member of the Board for Intellectual Property (Copyright section) from December 2009 to 2014. She has been mentioned in the "Legal 500 ranking" for intellectual property.
For several years, Martine Berwette has been assisting companies in all matters relating to privacy and the protection of the personnal data of their customers, prospects and employee ( video surveillance cameras, cookies policies, privacy policy, ...). She has assisted many companies in complying with the General Data Protection Regulations.
Martine Berwette has a further specialisation in all aspects of judicial law of these fields, including enforcement measures (seizures) and exequatur. She has been teaching private judicial law for several years at the Brussels Bar, and is an assistant in charge of exercises in private judicial law at the University of Mons since 2011.
She also has long experience of Congolese law (DRC), particularly in contract law and social law (especially for expatriate contracts).
Martine Berwette has a Law degree from the Free University of Brussels (1991). Admitted to the Brussels Bar in 1991, she practised at a large law firm in Brussels for over twenty years before joining Janson as a partner.
Read more- M.Baetens-Spetschinsky, M. Berwette, J.Biart, E.De Lophem, G. Eloy, J.Englebert, F.Laune, F.Lejeune, J.-S. Lenaerts, X.Taton, Droit du procès civil- volume 2, ULB, Bruxelles, Anthémis, 2019, 688P
- M.Baetens-Spetschinsky, M. Berwette, J.Biart, E.De Lophem, G. Eloy, J.Englebert, F.Laune, F.Lejeune, J.-S. Lenaerts, X.Taton, Droit du procès civil- volume 1, ULB, Bruxelles, Anthémis, 2018, 384P
- Chronique de législation en droit privé - «Droit judiciaire privé et arbitrage », J.T. 2018
- Chronique de législation en droit privé - «Droit judiciaire privé et arbitrage », J.T. 2017
- Chronique de législation en droit privé - «Droit judiciaire privé et arbitrage », J.T. 2017
- Chronique de législation en droit privé - «Droit judiciaire privé et arbitrage », J.T. 2016
- Chronique de législation en droit privé - «Droit judiciaire privé et arbitrage », J.T. février 2015
- Chronique de législation en droit privé - «Droit judiciaire privé et arbitrage », J.T. janvier 2014.
- Chronique de législation en droit privé - «Droit judiciaire privé et arbitrage », J.T. juin 2013.
- Chronique de législation en droit privé - «Droit judiciaire privé et arbitrage », J.T. février 2013.
- Orateur " le droit du procès civil - Etat actuel et analyse des réformes à venir"; Université Libre de Bruxelles, 28 janvien 2019
- Orateur"RGPD - êtes-vous en règle" - 8 juin 2018 (Bruxelles), 12 juin 2018 ( Mons)
- Orateur " RGPD - L'essentiel de la mise en conformité pour votre entreprise" - 24 avril 2018
- ULB - orateur pour le volet « Propriété intellectuelle » du module « Droit » de la Formation Continue consacrée aux « Aspects juridiques de la gestion des projets informatiques » -années 2007/2008 et 2008/2009.
- Orateur en 2001 et 2003 au colloque intitulé « Actualité pratique en matière de procédures civiles d'exécution ».
- En collaboration avec Martine Demeur : Les procédures de saisie et les titres de propriété intellectuelle - publication EFE Group.